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ERA - Trading Partner
Become a Trading Partner
If you are interested in becoming a Trading Partner for exchanging HIPAA files directly with Delta Dental of Massachusetts (examples: submit 837D batch claim files; receive 835 Electronic Remittance Advice), please complete the Trading Partner Profile form and email to
. You will be contacted by a team representative. Any questions may be directed to
Trading Partner Profile form
Enroll to receive 835 Electronic Remittance Advice (ERA)
If you are interested in receiving the 835 and you are a new Trading Partner, complete the requirements of the “Become a Trading Partner” section, and, click below to complete the ERA enrollment. The ERA enrollment will automatically be delivered to the EDI Team. If you are an existing Trading Partner, complete the ERA enrollment below and provide your Delta Dental of Massachusetts assigned Trading Partner ID.
ERA Enrollment form
Login to the Trading Partner Portal