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Your Oral Health

Prescription-Strength Fluoride Toothpaste

For adults who are at a high risk for dental decay, or have had recent oral surgery, prescription-strength fluoride toothpaste may be beneficial. Talk to your dentist to see if using this maximum strength toothpaste can help you lower your risk of cavities and tooth decay.

What is Prescription-Strength Fluoride Toothpaste?

Fluoride is used to prevent tooth decay and is available in many over-the-counter types of toothpaste. Prescription-strength fluoride toothpaste contains a higher concentration of fluoride (5,000 parts per million). This is the maximum strength available and it plays an important role in preventing and controlling dental caries (cavities). Prescription-strength fluoride toothpaste is only recommended for adults who have been diagnosed by their dentist as having a high risk for dental decay. It is not recommended for children with developing teeth. 

Why is Prescription-Strength Fluoride Toothpaste Beneficial?

If you have had periodontal surgery recently, and the roots of your teeth are now exposed, then prescription strength fluoride toothpaste might be beneficial for you. It is absorbed into the roots and enamel and helps to strengthen teeth so that they can resist acid, which helps prevent cavities.  

How Often Do I Use the Prescription-Strength Fluoride Toothpaste?

Studies show that following gum surgery, most individuals develop cavities within four years on the roots of their teeth. The use of prescription-strength fluoride toothpaste can reduce these cavities by 70% and even reverse decay in over half of the affected teeth. Prescription-strength fluoride toothpaste should be used once daily in place of your regular toothpaste. Apply a thin ribbon of the prescription-strength fluoride toothpaste to your toothbrush and brush thoroughly for two minutes, preferably at bedtime. Continue to use your regular toothpaste for your other daily brushing.  

Who Should Get Prescription-Strength Fluoride Toothpaste?

If you have had periodontal surgery recently and the roots of your teeth are now exposed or you have been told by your dentist that you are at high risk for dental decay, then check with your dentist to see if prescription-strength fluoride toothpaste may be right for you. Your dentist will perform a checkup that will help determine if you are at risk for decay, making you a candidate.