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An Investment in Prevention Today Leads to Improved Health and Lower Costs Tomorrow

Transforming the oral health system to be more efficient, effective and to deliver better care.

Delta Dental of Massachusetts is uniquely positioned to transform oral health care as we know it. Our exclusive focus on oral health helps align all of our resources around this single-minded mission. And now we are ready to move even further.
We are building a new oral health system that combines clinical innovation, actionable data and digital engagement into a solution that delivers more value to everyone it touches. We call this approach Preventistry
®, a program that we implemented several years ago that continues to evolve and expand.
Preventistry brings together all of the aspects of the oral health care system into a unified and cohesive approach. Among the approaches are:

chart and tooth vector image Focus on Preventive Benefits: Dental plans that prioritize preventive care to head off more costly conditions. In addition, plans will ensure dental benefits provide meaningful support for members with oral-health sensitive conditions such as intellectual and physical disabilities, diabetes or heart disease.
hand vector image Member Engagement: Our unique approach to transforming the oral health care system depends on methods that better meet the individual health needs of our members. Access to proactive information and online management tools empower members to become engaged, health-conscious consumers of dental care.
bar chart vector image Delivering Actionable Data: By more effectively sharing data on gaps in care and quality with our provider partners, we will drive improvements in the timeliness and efficacy of the care that is delivered. Data will also increase our focus on health care spending where it delivers the best long-term value.

This will not be quick and easy. It will take us multiple years of focus and partnering with all audiences – members, clients, brokers, and providers.

Preventistry is pointing the way toward a healthier future for your employees.

For more information about Preventistry, contact your Delta Dental of Massachusetts dedicated account executive or dedicated sales consultant.