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Contact Us
Regarding Your Delta Dental Benefits Plan
If you have any questions regarding your Delta Dental benefits and would like to speak with a Delta Dental Customer Service associate, please call Delta Dental’s RTX Customer Service Center at 877-335-8227 during our regularly scheduled customer service hours, or email
Customer Service Hours:
Monday - Friday 8 A.M. - 8:00 P.M. EST
Contact Information:
Delta Dental's RTX Customer Service Center
465 Medford Street, Ste 400
Boston, MA 02129-1454
Tel: 877-335-8227
Fax: 617-886-1600
To Make a Change to Personal Information
To make a change to any personal information (e.g., name, address) or to a benefit coverage or eligibility status for you or your dependent(s), contact the RTX Corporation Benefit Center at 800-243-8135 or visit